How effective is the scrutiny function?


Parliament scrutinises proposed legislation making any amendments needed and thus protecting all areas of society and ensuring the laws are clear.

  • Some methods of scrutiny are more effective than others
  • Executive dominance, scrutiny function, opposition days
  • Members of the legislature must be able to scrutinise the actions of the executive....

6 ways in which the legislature scrutinises the executive:

  • Standing committees
  • Select committees
  • Ombudsman
  • Opposition days
  • PMQs
  • House of Lords

Covid Recovery Group raising questions on the validity of lockdowns. The impact of COVID is relevant to this question because of scrutiny.


Withdrawal Agreement - Theresa May tried to get this passed for a very long time because she had a small majority.

Expenses Scandal - was a major political scandal that emerged in 2009, concerning expenses claims made by members of the UK parliament over previous years.

Jeremy Hunt - (Conservative MP) was David Cameron's secretary of state for health, now in charged…


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