

The industrial revolution was a change where poeple started working in domestic factories, it was a good change that lasted over 100 years but it lead to people who were poor having to work harder for longer hours in factories.

water power is good because you dont have to power it by hand but it is bad because lots of water was needed

steam power= far more powerful than water power, more reliable and it came froma big steam engine.

the use of water and steam power lead to the growth of factories because people stopped using hand powerd things from the home therefore they had to be produced in factories because noone was using them.

factories: 1. wake up very early in the morning 2. treated badly 3. appauling conditions 4.children working there from the age of 7 are only half clothed and half fed and work very long hours-all day. 5. the factories are dangerous many accidents happened

domestic system= at home

horse powered, spinning wheel, money, wool

factory system= in factories

steam power, spinning wheel, ball of thread, money lots of people working

arkwright opened the first successful factory in the world in 1771, it had 5 floors and was built in cromford.

victorian living conditions

up to 50 people sharing the privy, dunghills outside the house, water taps right next to the privvy which often leeked through, causing diseases like typhoid and tb and cholera.lots of rats which spread disease and also everyone shared a bed in one room and the furniture, if they had any would be old and broken.

sir robert peel set up the police force in 1829 it was called the metropolitan police force. it had 3000 men in it. they had to be under 35 years old and read and write. their pay was 5p a day.

jack the ripper- most victims were…


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