Growth of opposition to Tsar Nicholas


The Character of Tsar Nicholas

Not a strong ruler

Refused to share power, believed he had been chosen by God to rule

Failed to realise the extent of the opposition against his rule

Influence of Rasputin

Tsar Nicholas and Tsarina relied on Rapsutin to cure their son's, Alexis, illness of haemophilia

Rasputin began to influence government positions and helped rule Russia when the Tsar when to the front during the war

The aristocracy disliked the influence that Rapsutin had over the pair

Impact of the 1905 Revolution

The 1905 Revolution came from economic hardship and the desire for political reform especially after the defeat against Japan in 1904-05

On Bloody Sunday, 200,000 marched upon the Winter Palace and called for better working conditions. Upon the Tsar's absence, the soliders guarding the Winter Palce became anxious as to how to deal with the protesters and opened fire. The events of Bloody Sunday led to strikes and demonstrations across Russia.

In a bid to prevent a full revolution, Tsar Nicholas passed the


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