
Generalisability Refer to target population, participants and sampling method to see if its generalisable.

e.g. If your participants are all teenagers and your target population was people over the age of 50 then your study lacks generalisability.

e.g. If participants are all 30-40 years olds, your results can be generalised to 30-40 year olds but NOT other age groups.

Reliabilitydoes it use a scientific method?Does it have controlled variables? Can you repeat it to compare data?

Application -  Is it useful? Can the study study help in society in a real-life application to prevent atrocities? Does it tell us about human behaviour? How it is useful? E.g in schools or other social situations. 

ValidityDoes the method allow you to measure what you wanted to?

Ecological validity – how similar is the investigation to real life? If a study can be seen to be about real


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