Hofling et al

  • Created by: Sam Dadd
  • Created on: 21-03-13 15:05
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  • Hofling
    • Describe
      • Findings- 21 nurses gave the dosage without refusal, 11 admitted of being aware that was the overdose limit, 1 nurse questioned the observer.
        • Confusion, anxiety, sense of guilt, irritation and veiled anger.
      • Aim- investigate different aspects of the relationship between doctors and nurses; specifically when nurses were asked to carry out a request by a doctor against hospital rules and proffessional standards.
      • Procedure- nurses had to fill out a questionnaire involving 12 graduates and 21 student nurses. Doctor called nurses against regulations to ask for an increase in dosage of astroten (placebo) to 20mg (max 10mg) Nurses administered dosage to patients while an observer kept watch over nurses. The nurses were debriefed.
      • Conclusion - nurses will knowingly break rules in a situation where a doctor orders them to. Shows trust of doctors by nurses.
    • Evaluate (GRAVE)
      • Validity- The study had high EV as it took place in a real life setting, a hospital with real nurses. It had no demand characteristics.
        • Strength
      • Ethics- The study had ethical issues, it caused stress and used deception as the doctor was a stooge and used fake drugs, there was no consent from the nurses. Thus, broke ethical guidelines.
        • Weakness
      • Application- The study had practical application to the training of nurses, to not blindly obey doctors orders, they can question if needed. Research in real-life can be useful.
        • Strength
      • Generalisable-The study wasn't generalisable as it only used 22 nurses that were all female, this doesn't represent all nurses.
        • Weakness
      • Reliability- The study is reliable as it had a standardised procedure, where the doctor said the same instructions to all nurses, thus easily replicated to check results.
        • Strength
  • Questionnaire- (Before experiment)
    • Findings- 21 nurses gave the dosage without refusal, 11 admitted of being aware that was the overdose limit, 1 nurse questioned the observer.
      • Confusion, anxiety, sense of guilt, irritation and veiled anger.


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