'God the Father is the most important Trinity'

  • Created by: elisamr
  • Created on: 18-09-22 16:14

In my opinion, God the Father is an important part of the Christian belief, however, argue it has equal value to the other two sections of the trinity: The Son and the Holy spirit. This is because without the incarnation of God as a human being, Jesus (God the Son) the religion would have never arisen as in order for humans to understand and follow God the belief had to be brought down to earth through the ‘son’ of God.

Some Christians may suggest God the Father is the most important of the trinity as this is the belief that implies God is the creator and sustainer of all things living on earth and therefore without this part of the trinity the other two could never have formed. For example, God the Father created the planet and formed all things living, the climate, the sky and the environment and without these actions human would not be able to sustain life and therefore ‘God the Son’ would never have been able to exist as Jesus would not be able to live.

Another reason why some Christians believe God the Father is the most vital out of the trinity is because God the Father is the one who loves and cares for humans and is who protects us all through life like a Father would do to his…




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