geography water on planet Earth- Terrestrial water


Water on planet Earth.

Terrestrial water.                 

Surface water is the free flowing water of rivers as well as the water in ponds and lakes.

1. Rivers.

They act as both store and transfer of water. They are streams of water with a defined channel. They transfer water from the ground, from soils and from the atmosphere to a store. That store may be wetlands lakes or oceans.

2. Lakes.

These are collections of fresh water found in hollows on the land surface. They are generally deemed a lake if they are greater than two hectares in area any body of water smaller than this is a pond. 

The majority of lakes on Earth are fresh water and mostly lie on the northern hemisphere at higher latitudes.


These are areas of marsh,fen, peatland or water whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary with water that is static or flowing where there is a dominace of…


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