geography water on planet earth- cryospheric water notes


Water on planet Earth.

Cryospheric water.

  • Water is in solid form 
  • there are five locations of cryospheric water

1. Sea ice.

Sea ice forms when water in the ocean is cooled to temperatures below freezing. Sea ice does not raise the sea level when it melts because it forms from ocean water.

Ice shelves are platforms of ice that form where ice sheets and glaciers move out into the oceans.

Ice bergs are chunks of ice that break off glaciers and ice shelves and drift into oceans. They raise the sea level only when they first puch off into the sea but not whe they melt.

2. Ice sheets.

An ice sheet is a mass of glacial land ice extending more than 50,000 km2. The two major ice sheets cover most of Greenland and Antarctica. The Antarctic ice sheet extends almost 14 million km2.

Ice sheets…


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