Geography - Mumbai case study

  • Created by: NlleA
  • Created on: 26-09-18 17:29

Mumabi: Fact file

Location: West coast of India, Southern-Eastern Asia. Found on a small peninsular made up of 7 islands facing the Arabian Sea.

Population: Around 23 million

Historical Aspect: 400 years ago, Mumabi (then known as Bombay), was just a cluster of small fishing villages, owened by the British Empire. However, by using the opportunities that presented themselves, Mumbai eventually became the globally-known city it is today. For example, when the American Civil War took place from 1860-1865, the notorious cotton industry began to fail, and seizing the opportunity, Mumbai started exporting cotton to other countries around the world, making it wealthy. 

Important Geographical Aspects: The location of Mumbai is a vital key to it's financial success. Facing the Arabain Sea, it has links all over the world thanks to the Suez Canal; for example, the whole of Eastern Africa including Zanzibar and Cape Town, the Arabian Emirates, the east coast of North America and the whole of Europe via the Mediterranean Sea. This isn't including the rest of Asia, which is linked to Mumbai through it's notorious train system. Countries directly linked to Mumbai include China, Pakistan and Bhutan.

Mumbai's Situation: Mumbai is one of the world's largest mega cities (a city with over 10 million residents), as we know from it's enormous population. However, what has made Mumabi so strong is also it's primary source of trouble - the people in it. Mumbai's population makes the city a crowded, busy environment, which causes overhousing and overcrowding of Mumbai's streets.

Transport in Mumbai: Mumbai has one of…




I hope this proves of some use - my geography teacher is awful and I had no idea about what we were meant to be covering in this case -study. This is for all of you with terrible teachers! :0

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