Geog practice 8 mark Q and answer

  • Created by: Zoeeee
  • Created on: 23-04-11 21:43

I got 8 out of 8 for this answer so here it is....

Describe the impact of tourism on a tropical country you have studied (8 marks)

In Kenya, there are both advantages and disadvantages of tourism. Kenya, being a poor country, depends heavily on the foreign exchange from its visitors, and as Kenya has a nice climate all year round there are always tourists. In the year 2007, for example, the foreign exchange earned Kenya $1 billion US Dollars.

When tourists spend their money locally, in places such as cafes or on local services such as taxis, the money goes straight to the locals instead of passing through the government and improves their standard of living.

The Masai Mara game park earns more tourist income than any other game park. The money earned goes into looking after


Seth LeBlanc


Damn, darlin, this is incredible! x

Mr A Gibson


Always good to see a decent example of a longer answer which hits the criteria for level 3. Lots of information specific to the case study (Kenya) which is what level 3 answers MUST HAVE.



I adore this! Amazing service. Really good help!

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