Gender differences in coping with stress


Starter - How do you think different genders cope with stress. 
I think it on the person and the situation, not necessarily gender. 

Lazarus and Folkman first made a distinction between gender related coping methods suggesting men use a problem-focused method and women use an emotion-focused method of coping with stress. 
Problem focused methods reduce stress by tackling its root causes in a direct, practical and rational way. 
Involves taking control to remove or escape from stress and learn new skills such as time management and relaxation. 
Emotion-focused methods reduce stress indirectly by tackling the anxiety associated with a stressor.
Ways include forms of avoidance, distraction and keeping busy.
Can also use cognitive appraisal to think about the stressor more positively.

Evaluation of approach 
Doesn't take into account that people react differently depending on personality (some women are more masculine and vise vera)
rooted in stereotypes so cannot


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