GCSE Revision notes Part 1

  • Created by: livdyson
  • Created on: 03-04-17 18:23

CPU - Central processing unit: Brains of the computer

Input devices - A device/ Hardware inputted into the computer e.g keyboard,mouse,joystick

Output device- Hardware outputted from the computer e.g Monitor,speakers,projector

Backing Storage

Address bus - Wires connecting cpu with memory then determines location of where data is being transported to.

Data bus - Provides transportation for the data through wires.

Control bus - Used by CPU to communicate with devicesImage result for data bus

Ports - Connects a device to the computer e.g USB

Componments of the CPU -  ALU,Control unit,registers,buses

  • Control unit- Tells of componments of the CPU how to go about responding to isntructions, e.g tells ALU how to respond to calculations.
  • Artithmetic logic unit - Part of the CPU that carries out calculations.
  • Registers




not bad. but what about the info on backing storage?