FRG Economics 1945-89

  • Created by: agracex
  • Created on: 04-02-24 16:05

Context: 8 May 1945 Germany surrendered. The german economy was ruined and people were starving. Allies occupated the country

Problems in the German economy after WW2:

  • Rationing introduced to deal with refugees and homeless
  • Transport links crossed zones which hindered the economy
  • Hyperinflation
  • Wages and prices were controlled
  • Reichsmark was worthless
  • Shops were empty
  • Markets broken down

How the West German economy recovered between 1948-52:

  • Marshall Plan 1948- economic aid given to Western zones which set off the creation of Deutschmark
  • Duetschmark- new currency helped stabilise the economy and breakup the black market 
  • Erhard's reforms: 24 June given power to abolish almost all essential rationing and all price controls, meant that cakes, veg, butter for sale. People stopped hoarding goods
  • Equalising of Burdens Act- Tax on all assets to help those who lost everything, helped people start again

Erhard did not bring immediate economic recovery:

- Some businesses failed after currency reform as they couldnt afford to pay wages. Other businesses managed to keep going but had to lay off workers -> Unemployment rose 1948-50 but began to fall 

- Car production in 1959 4x more than 1950

- Steel production doubled

The Economic Miracle 1955-66:



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