Features and Symptoms of Schizophrenia (1)

  • Created by: Laaauren
  • Created on: 25-12-16 21:49

Features of Schizophrenia

  • 1% of population will be affected
  • Varies from area to area
  • Onset for males 14-25
  • Onset for females 25-35
  • Males more frequent and more severe
  • 40% attempt suicide
  • 10 years lower life expectancy


2 Categories - first rank (thought disturbance and hallucinations), and second rank (emotional and inappropriate reactions).  First rank are usually positive.

Positive symptoms are symptoms which add to a sufferer's behaviour, hallucinations, delusions and disordered thinking are all positive symptoms

Hallucinations - seeing and hearing things, can involve touch and smell.  Doesn't exist but seems real to the sufferer, sensory experience.  Voices usually harsh and critical, but can be positive.  Can be controlling, causing uncharacterisitic behaviour, could involve a running commentary.

Delusions - untrue, persistent ideas, eg. believing thoughts are being controlled


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