Factional Rivalries - Elizabeth I

  • at the start of the reign William Cecil (Burghley) held most sway at court, controlling most policy and patronage
  • however, by the mid-1560s he had rivals - Dudley made Earl of Leicester in 1564 and was ambitious in politics and trying to marry the Queen. The Earl of Sussex returned from Ireland, became Privy Councillor, was able and represented the Old Arsitocracy - he was also supported by the Duke of Norfolk
  • Complex plot involving Leicester and some supporters in court in late 1560s to marry Norfolk to Mary Queen of Scots led to 1569 Northern Rebellion - leading figures in the North tried (and failed) to restore Catholicism - Norfolk was executed in 1572 and Leicester declared innocent
  • 1570s and 80s saw generally more co-operation between courtiers
  • third influential trusted advisor was Sir Christopher Hatton - Elizabeth favoured him become he was charming and genuinely intended to serve the monarch, not himself. Their friendship caused jealousy from others including Leicester
  • in the 1580s Walter Raleigh was a…


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