English- Heroes

  • Created by: Hadeeqah
  • Created on: 14-04-13 17:33

Larry LaSalle

Negative side

enigmatic, myterious, shadowy past, predetor, attacker, insincere, psychopathic

Positive side

inspiring, charismatic, saint, helpful, father-like-figure, caring

Francis Cassavant


shy, naive, innocent, inferior, academic, idealist, vulnerable, fantasist, loner, moral, honourable

Teenager/adult- Present

realist, determind, focused, driven, controlling, assured, physicall and emotionally damaged, loner,

Nicole Rennard

Shy and delicate to begin with. LaSalle sees this weakness and attacks her. This betrayal leads to her action of leaving Frenchtown. 

When Francis meets her later on in the novel, in chapter 15, the reader can clearly see that…


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