Effects of Internal Working Model on Future Relationships

  • Created by: AGurung2
  • Created on: 15-01-21 23:06


Working Memory Model:

Woking memory model is the idea that the quality of attachment between the infant and their primary caregiver shapes the infant's perception of what a relationship should be like in the future.

Peer Relationships in Childhood

The internal working model can affect their behaviour between other children. E.g. bullying

Study -> Myron-Wilson and Smith 


196 primary school pupils aged 7-11 in London -> given a questionnaire.


  • securely attached pupils - unlikely to be involved in bullying
  • insecurely-avoidant attached pupils - more likely to be victims
  • insecurely-resistant attached pupils - more likely to be bullies

Adult Relationships


Looked at the effects of internal working model on adult relationships


40 women -> attachment type established at infancy and then interviewed them to study their current relationships


  • Secure attachment -> best relationships an dfriendships
  • Avoidant attachment -> problems with relationships


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