Describe and evaluate cognitive theories as an explanation for schizophrenia

  • Created by: jesssweir
  • Created on: 14-04-17 16:11


  • Cognitive theories focuses upon maladaptive thought processes as a central feature of schizophrenia and therefore explains schizophrenia from this perspective 
  • Abnormalities in brain functioning increases the vulnerability to stressful life experiences which leads to dysfunctional beliefs and behaviours. This involves cognitive deficits where sufferers experience problems with attention, commnication and information overload
  • Positive symptoms like delusions are seen to occur due to cognitive biases which is thinking in irrational ways. Cognitive biases can therefore make an individual believe they are being persecuted e.g. someone is out to get you 
  • Hallucinations are due to biased information processing and cognitive deficits which are referred to as alien control symptoms, where sufferers believe external people and forces are exerting influence over their thoughts and behaviour
  • Negative symptoms are seen as occuring due to the use of cognative strategies which are ways of coping with mental situations, in order to control high levels of mental stimulation 
  • Schizophrenics may experience more emotion than


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