

What fats contain more saturated fats?

Animal fats contain more than vegetable and fish oils 

What are oils at room temperature?


What are fats at room temperature?


Where does oil come from?

Vegetable sources - olives, corn, ****, nuts

Finish the sentence 

The more saturated fatty acids a product has the ........

The more saturated fatty acids a product has the more solid the fat will be 

Processing and production 

How is butter made?

It is made by churning cream to remove even more liquid 

What is the leftover liquid called?


What recipes can this liquid be used for?


Why should double cream be used for making butter instead of milk or single cream?

Because there is more fat in it (higher fat content) so you can whisk it so air gets trapped 

What are some examples of butter?

Unsalted, salted, clarified, ghee, spreadable

By law how much fat content does butter have to have? 


There is no such thing as low-fat/reduced fat-butter so what are these called?


What is cheese made from?

Made from milk solids so contains similar nutrients as milk 

How is cheese made (a simple explanation one sentence)

 The curds (solids) and whey (liquid) is separated 

Describe fully the process of making cheese

  • The milk is usually pasteurized and is cooled at 30 degrees Celsius - to destroy bacteria 
  • A starter culture of bacteria is added 
  • Rennet is added and the mixture is left to set
  • The curd is cut so they whey is released - For soft cheese, the whey is left to drain away naturally and for hard cheese, the curds are heated and piled on top of each other to release more


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