Computer Science (0984) 2023 - 2 Data Transmission 2-3

  • Created by: Twitsed
  • Created on: 25-03-23 12:09

2-3 Encryption

  • Encryption is the process of encoding data or a message so that it cannot be understood by anyone other than its intended recipient.
  • Encryption does not prevent someone from intercepting a message - instead it prevents them from being able to understand it.
  • Unencrypted messages are referred to as plain text messages. 
  • Encrypted messages are known as ciphertext.

2-3-1 Understand the need for and purpose of encryption when transmitting data

  • Encryption is used to ensure that data can be stored and messages can be sent securely over a network.
    • Online purchases
    • Encrypting documents that are private
    • Satellite TV transmissions prevent non-subscribers from watching TV shows

2-3-2 Understand how data is encrypted using symmetric


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