Coast Case study


Spurn head, Spit 


located off the tip of the coast of the East Riding of Yorkshire, England

How was Spurn Head spit formed?

  • Geological influences- The coastline to the north of Spurn Head is made of soft boulder clay. As a result, it is extremely susceptible to erosion

  • Waves- Sand and shingle eroded from the cliffs updrift of Spurn Head is carried south through longshore drift. As the coastline changes direction as it meets the Humber estuary, the sediment is deposited at the river mouth

  • Wind- Occasionally. Strong winds will blow from a different direction. Consequently, the waves will approach from a different direction. Some material will be pushed inland, causing the end of the spit to curve. 

Advanatges and disadvantages

  • Provides good location for the lifeboat station
  • Provides a safe habitat for wildlife and migrating birds
  • Provides an attractive environment for walkers, birdwatchers and tourists
  • Acts as a natural flood defence against the sea
  • Constantly moving nature makes it difficult to navigate ships up the estuary 
  • Can be altered and changed under storm conditions

Isle of Purbeck ( bays, headlands, caves, arches,stacks, stumps)


located in the south of England in Dorset. Its area is approximately 200km2


Along the coastline of the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset, there are both discordant and concordant coastlines. The discordant coastline has been formed into Studland Bay (soft rock), Ballard Point (hard rock), Swanage Bay (soft rock) and Durlston Head (hard rock). After Durlston Head, the strata stop alternating and the coastline is made up of hard rock. This concordant coast has fewer features.

Erosional landforms

Old Harry's rock 

Old Harry's rock is a formation of stacks and stumps made of chalk (easy to erode) below the cliffs of Ballard directly east of Studland. There were formed by erosion - this could have happened in a variety of ways, but most likely because of the sheer force of the waves smashing against what was originally a cliff face. this would cause the crack in the cliff face to turn in to a cave and then the cave in to an arch; the arch in to a stack after the top becomes unsupported and eventaully the stack in to a stump aftre the base is eroded enough. 

Lulworth Cove 

Lulworth is a circular,


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