Christmas Carol themes


The christmas spirit

  • christmas is presented as a time when people "open their shut up hearts freely".Christmas brings out the best in people:
  • Christmas spirit shows generosity, charity, kindness and goodwill to others.
  • The cracthits show lots of christmas spirit, they demonstrate their love for eachother and hapiness of being together.
  • Fred(scrooges nephew) also embraces the christmas spirit. He refers to christmas as a "kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time" He wants scrooge to see christmas in his point of view.
  • The ghost of christmas present also shows christmas spirit, with its "cheery voice" and "joyful air", this ghost personifies many of the values asscociated with christmas. This ghost uses its torch to sprinkle incense over anyone who begins to argue=restoring their "good humour.
  • Many of the characters in the text see christmas as a time to help those less fortunate than themselves.
  • The charity collectors- they visit scrooge. they refer to christmas as a time when "want" is keenly felt, and "abundance rejoices" they try to provide some festive "christian cheer" at the hardest time for the poor as excesses are enjoyed by the wealthy.
  • Fred- believes that christmas should encourage people "to think of people below them as if they were already fellow passengers to the grave". Christmas is a time where all humanity (poor or rich) should unite and help


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