Christmas Carol.

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  • A Christmas Carol.
    • Characters
      • Ebenezer Scrooge
        • Mierable
        • Redeemed by the end.
        • Tightfisted
      • Bob Cratchit
        • Humble.
        • Hard Working.
        • Family Man
      • Fred
        • Cheerful
        • Kind-Hearted
        • Generous
      • Ghost of Christmas Past.
        • Young and old.
        • Commanding
        • Streaming with light.
      • Ghost of Christmas yet to come.
        • Dark
        • Silent
        • Ominous
    • Themes
      • Christmas.
        • The title and Structure.
        • Tiny Tim as someone is generous and kind
        • Fred, as someone who embodies the spirit of Christmas.
        • Untitled
      • Redemption.
        • Scrooge beginning as miserable.
        • Scrooge seeing the error of his ways.
        • Scrooge transforming and redeeming him self.
      • Social justice.
        • Scrooge refusing to give money to the poor.
        • ignorance and want.
        • Thieves dividing up scrooges things
    • Structure
      • How is text put together.
      • What is significant about this.
      • How does it reflect the themes of the text.
      • What is the overall effect of the structure.
  • Ghost of Christmas Present.
    • Jolly
    • Welcoming
    • Honest
    • Prophetic
    • Characters
      • Ebenezer Scrooge
        • Mierable
        • Redeemed by the end.
        • Tightfisted
      • Bob Cratchit
        • Humble.
        • Hard Working.
        • Family Man
      • Fred
        • Cheerful
        • Kind-Hearted
        • Generous
      • Ghost of Christmas Past.
        • Young and old.
        • Commanding
        • Streaming with light.
      • Ghost of Christmas yet to come.
        • Dark
        • Silent
        • Ominous




need to use quotes

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