Christian approaches to the Environment

  • Created by: DAFE16
  • Created on: 02-02-17 20:27


  • There are four different approaches Christians take to the environment
  • Dominion - it is the belief that humans are created in the image of God and are hence given authority over the Earth; God's creation (Gen 1:28)
  • Stewardship - it is the belief that humans were given the respnsibility, by God, to take care of the environment (Second Creation Story - Gen 2)
  • Creation Spirituality - this belief emphasises that humans are part of God's creation and God is present in all of his creation - "Original Blessing"
  • Consequences of sin - original sin has made the world as it is today - it is for us to rectify this by treating the environment well
  • The Christian approaches to the environment are mostly perceived as anthropocentric - placing the needs of humans before that of other species
  • God values creation - this would make creation seem to appear to have intrinsic value


  • Humankind is given dominion, because they are created in the image of God - Genesis 1:28
  • This holds a very anthropocentric approach to the environment 
  • The idea of dominion presented, however, seems to have negative ideas - domination and rule by force 
  • Humankind is put at the top of the hierachy 
  • In the Bible, however, dominion suggests that God


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