Choose your own adventure, Mycenaean edition!

  • Created by: ElAreAre
  • Created on: 20-03-23 17:24

CONTEXT FOR THIS WHOLE WEIRDNESS: so for homework a good while back i had to

"Write an account of a Mycenaean party in a Megaron"

but i'm ME and i can't just write an account of a mycenaean party in a megaron, it had to be something ridiculous and amazing. so i did this (u can thank me later, or in the comments and give me a rating for this brilliance:) (+ if u share with someone, get rid of my name, lailah. <3 thx)

  -Write an account of a Mycenaean party in a Megaron- 


1.  Hello and welcome to Lailah's “Choose your own adventure”!

Your name is Kurso Tripode, and you’ve been personally invited to a party in the Megaron by the Wanax! You’re also a journalist for the Linear Times, the most popular gossip mag in in Southern Europe today!
As you enter the Megaron, you have two (2) choices-
Get drunk? (Go to 14.)

Or honour some goddesses? (Go to 2.)


2. You make the (wise) decision to honour your three (3) favourite goddesses, Φ, Ѱ and T (phi, psi and tau). Hopefully they will bless your latest article- speaking of…

Do you want to interview some people? (Yes you do.) (Go to 4.)


3. What are you DOING here? This is a void of nothing. Please leave.


4. You ask a random woman would she like to be interviewed for the Linear Times. She nods eagerly and starts chatting rapidly about her favourite type of wine, the nice wanax who invited her and wonders should she plan her wedding in a setting such as this.
You are easily able to write it all down, because Linear B is a fairly concise alphasyllabic writing system! How modern you are!! After that nice woman, you ask a tall guy (So tall you can’t easily see his face) and it turns out HE WAS YOUR MORTAL ENEMY IN PRIMARY SCHOOL!! He recognises you and tries to punch you but you duck quickly and-

  • Do you run away and pray for help from the goddesses? (Go to 2)

  • Do you run away and get drunk? (Go to 14)

  • Do


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