Chemistry Paper 2 – The Rate of Reaction & Catalysts


Rate of Reaction - Key Factors 

The main factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions are: 

Concentration of dissolved reactants 

  • Increasing the concentration increases the frequency (number) of collisions. This increases the rate of reaction. 

Pressure of gas reactants 

  • Increasing pressure is like increasing the concentration. 

  • It increases the frequency (number) of collisions. This increases the rate of reaction (makes the reaction faster). 


  • Increasing the temperature increases the frequency (number) of collisions. 

  • Increasing the temperature increases the energy of reactant particles. This means that a greater proportion (more) of the particles will have more energy than the activation energy that is needed. 

  • Together, these lead to more successful collisions. This increases the rate of reaction. 

Surface area of solid reactants 

  • Increasing the surface area increases the frequency (number) of collisions. This increases the rate of reaction. 

  • This is often done by breaking up solids into smaller lumps (e.g. powders). 

  • This increase in surface area to volume ratio makes sure that more particles are exposed to attack. 


  • Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up in the process. 



Catalysts increase the rate of chemical reactions


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