chapter 7 George Washington and John Adams (up to 1796)

  • Created by: loupardoe
  • Created on: 06-04-18 13:10

organising the federal government

the new government

  • election of 1789 gave the federalists control
  • large federalist majorities in the senate and the house of representatives
  • George Washington chosen as president by electoral college representatives, no one stood against him
  • John Adams came second and so became vice president
  • 4 march 1789- new congress met in New York City
  • could muster only 8 senators and 13 members of the house
  • a month passed before both chambers gathered a quorum
  • 30 april- washington inaugurated as president
  • journey to new york from mount vernon turned into a triumphal procession- universal confidence, hopeful expectancy
  • washington was less optimistic- burdened with dread, felt like a condemned man

problems facing the new government

  • usa far from united
  • rhode island and north carolina still not in the union
  • untried constitution
  • almost no revenue or machinery for collecting money
  • no judiciary
  • no navy, army consisted of 672 officers and men
  • western borders open to NA attack
  • british and spanish troops still occupied parts of the national territory
  • some advantages too
  • worst of the post war depression was over, economy was expanding
  • widespread support for the new government and constitution
  • anti federalists accepted the popular verdict and agreed to participate in the new political system in good faith

the first congress

the judiciary act

  • constitution created a federal judiciary
  • left the detail as to how it should be structured and what its precise responsibilities and relationship with the state courts should be for settlement at another time
  • 1789 judiciary act
  • established a hierarchical system of federal courts
  • supreme court- chief justice and 5 associate justices
  • district courts in each state
  • 3 circuit courts of appeal
  • ensured that federal laws and rights would be adjudicated uniformly throughout the nation
  • supreme court should rule on the constitutionality of state court decisions and nullify state laws which violate the federal constitution
  • Washington selected the Supreme court, balancing north and south, named John Jay as chief justice

the bill of rights

  • much criticism of the lack of specific guarantees of popular rights
  • federalists had promised to remedy this in order to secure ratification
  • Madison made the adoption of a bill of rights one of the 1st items of business
  • HoR adopted 17 amendments
  • senate adopted 12
  • states ratified 10
  • went far towards reconciling anti federalists to the constitution
  • 9 were concerned with the rights of the individual
  • guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, assembly, the press
  • right to petition, bear arms
  • immunity against arbitrary search and arrest
  • prohibited excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments and the quartering of troops in private houses
  • 10th amendment- reserved to the states all powers except those specifically delegated to the federal government
  • december 1791- amendments took effect when Virginia became final state to ratify them
  • helped to convince North Carolina and Rhode Island to enter the union

raising revenue

  • trade duty of 5% on most items
  • 7.5% on certain listed items
  • 50% duties on 30 specific items- steel, nails, hemp, molasses, ships, tobacco, salt, indigo and cloth
  • protect…


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