Cell Division


Cell Cycle:

The cell cycle consists of a period of growth and DNA replication, called interphase, and a period of cell division, called mitosis. Interphase is split up into 3 sperate stages: G1, S and G2

Image result for cell cycle stages

  • Interphase

G1 (gap phase 1): cell grows and new organells and proteins are made

S (synthesis): cell replicates DNA 

G2 (gap phase 2): cell keeps growing and proteins needed for division are made

During interphase, cell carries out normal functioning. DNA is unravelled and replicated, to double its genetic content. Organelles are also replicated so it has spare ones, and ATP content is increased

  • Mitosis

In mitosis, a parent cell divides to produce 2 genetically identicel daughter cells . Mitosis is needed for growth and repair of damaged tissue. Mitosis is really one continuous process, but


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