Categorical Imperative


The Hypothertical Imperative - not moral commands to the will, they do not apply to everyone. 

You need only obey them if you want to achieve a certain ' goal', it depends on the results and aims at personal well-being- that is why a hypothetical impoerative always begins with the world 'IF'

eg 'if i want to loose weight I should go on a diet and exercise more.

Categorical Imperative - are moral commands and do not begin with the word 'if' and they do not depend on anything, especially desires or goals. 

This categorical imperative applies to everyone because they are based on objective a priori law of reason which Kant called the categorical imperative. A test to judge whether an action is in accordance with pure practical reason. 

First Formulation :  Act only according to a maxim whereby you can universalise it. It asks everyone universalise their principles or maxims without contradiction. Whether everyone in the same situation should act the same way. If you are involved in a contradiction then what you are doing is wrong as it is against reason.

He wants everyone to be free and rational and so rules must be universable otherwise others will not have the same freedom to act on the same moral principles as I use. Everyone should not do the same thing as I choose but rather everyone should be prepared to act on the same maxim.

Kant uses PROMISE KEEPING as an example. I…


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