


Transportation -

·         blood transports oxygen from the lungs around to the rest of the body and carryies unwanted carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled. 

·         blood carries nutrients from the GI tract to cells

·         blood carries hormones from the endocrine glands to needed cells.

·         blood also carries heat and waste products to certain organ to be got rid of.


Regulation - 

·         helps maintain the body’s PH through the use of buffers.

·         regulates body temp to keep and standard 


Protection - 

·         Blood clotting by platelets to reduce losing to much blood from any injuries.

·         blood transports white blood cells that help fight against disease by carrying phagocytes


Blood characteristics:

·         Blood is denser and thicker than water and can feel a bit sticky.

·         Blood temp is around 38°c

·         Slightly alkaline at 7.35 to 7.45


The two components of blood:

The blood plasma –

·         It’s the extracellular fluid surrounding the formed elements in the blood e.g. red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.

·         It is about 95% water and 8% dissolved substances.

·         Most of the dissolved substances are proteins that play an important role


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