Brown Vs. Board of Education


Oliver Browns daughter was refused admittance to an all-white school leaving the 7 year old having to walk across town on her own over a railway line and busy streets to get to the nearest African American school. Marshall and the NAACP took the case to the Supreme Court. 

May, 1954, the Supreme Court made a unanimous judgement that segregated schools violated the Fourteenth Amendment and that all children should have access to their local school. Th court ignored the rulings of the Plessy vs Ferguson case. The court ruled that black schools were not equal to white schools and that they offered a lower standard of education. On top of this, they went on to concur that segregation was inherently unequal as the segregation made African Americans feel unequal.

This victory was deemed more important than 'To Secure These Rights' and was the greatest achievement of Thurgood Marshall. It led to many more African Americans attempting to challenge other aspects of segregation with the belief that the Supreme Court would rule in their favour. NAACP and CORE both increased their voter registration campaigns and protests against segregation.

The process of desegregation was slow, despite some schools immediately deciding to desegregate as many states refused to accept the ruling. On top of this, the Court hadn't…


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