Biology Hmwk.


1)What are the recommended daily levels of alcohol consumption for men and women? Try a websearch and see if you can find at least three different sources for this data. Are they all the same? What do you think about this advice?

- The recommended daily levels of alcohol consumption for men is 3/4 units a day and no more than 21 units a week. (Wikipedia)

- The recommended daily levels of alcohol consumption for women is 2/3 units a day and no more than 14 units a week. (Wikipedia)

- The government says men should not drink more than 3/4 units per day and no more than 21 a week. (Drink Aware)

- The government says women should not drink more than 2/3 units per day and no more than 14 a week. (Drink Aware)

- Men should drink no more than 21 units of alcohol per week (and no more than four units in any one day). (

- Women should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week (and no more than three units in any one day). (

In all three different sources, the RDA of alcohol is the same, and so is the RWA. I think the advice is good, as it gives people something to live by, whereas if we didnt have this advice, people would just go about drinking all the time, not knowing what happens to their bodies, and not knowing just how much alcohol they are really drinking

In your experience, do you think that there is a lot of alcohol use among your age group?

Yes, I do think there is alot of alcohol use among my age group.

Do you know anyone under 18 who drinks alcohol?


How much do they drink in a week?

Maybe every 2 - 3 weeks.

What is the pattern of their drinking?


Are you sure that each drink they consume is only one unit?

No, but I don't they know that.

Do you think the evidence suggests they are at risk of damaging their health?

I suppose, but they would be at more risk if it was every weekend, which it isn't.

What might make them change their behaviour?

Meeting someone who's suffering from the consequences of alcohol abuse.


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