Biological catalysts (Enzymes)

  • Created by: TBird
  • Created on: 13-03-13 00:59

Enzymes are proteins that increase the rate of reaction. They are biological catalysts, acatalyst is a chemical which speeds up a reaction without being used up itself. They are needed because temperatures inside organisms are low, without catalysts reactions that happen in the cell would be far too slow for life to go on.Cells contain hundreds of different enzymes,each catalysing a different reaction.

Genes---> Proteins (enzymes)----> Catalyse reactions

  • The molecule that an enzyme acts on is called its substrate. 
  • Each enzyme has a small area on its surface called the active site. 
  • The active site is where the substrate attaches to the enzyme, and the reaction takes place and the products are formed.
  • When the substrate joins up with the active site, it lowers the energy needed for the reaction to start,allowing products to be formed more easily 
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