Bartlett and Ghoshal's international strategies.

  • Created by: lbr00ky
  • Created on: 01-03-23 23:03

This model is how businesses use their international strategies and what pressures are there in order to succeed. This shows the options that businesses face and the pressures they face.

Pressures: Local responsiveness, and global integration.

Local responsiveness is the extent to which international markets, consumers expect the product to be adapted to meet local requirements. It asks whether domestic competition have an advantage since they can be more responsive.

Global integration is asking how important standardisation of the product is in order to be more efficient, for things such as economies of scale. It also asks whether global branding is required in order to achieve international success in this market.

Low pressure for Local responsiveness + High pressure for global integration = Global
Low pressure for Local responsiveness +…


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