Baroque key words

  • Created by: OllyJW
  • Created on: 18-11-21 13:02

Baroque Key Words:


melodic shape

Ascending - Raising/ going up

Descending - Lowering/ going down

stepwise - playing notes next to each other

Conjunct - same as stepwise 

disjunct - playing notes (could be random)

scalic - playing notes of the scale

triadic - playing notes of the chord

arpeggio - playing notes of the chord


distance between notes

compound - e.g. compound 3rd is an octave and a 3rd

phrase length:

length of parts of the melody

Equal - each phrase is the same length

unequal - phrases are different lengths

balanced - sae as equal


elaborate on the melody

trill - move between 2 notes rapidly



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