B) Contributions made to Hinduism by Gandhi


Advaita vedanta

  • Means non-duality/ absence of duality
  • State of oneness with the rest of creation: comes with a heightened sense of awareness- one sees everything in oneself and as oneself
  • Advaita schools believe that God and sould are not different- they believe there is only one reality and it is God


  • Translates roughly as 'truth force'
  • Gandhi practiced 2 types of satyagraha in his mass campaigns:
  • 1. Civil disobedience- breaking  a law and courting arrest. Method aimed not to win by overwhelming but by converting his opponent
  • 2. Non-co-operation- refusing to co-operate with the oponent, refusing to submit to the injustice being fought. E.g. strikes, economic boycotts, tax refusals


  • In a general sense, means the pursuit of the knowledge of Brahman, the supreme self or the study of the vedas
  • Specifically means the practice of celibacy by students who pursue vedic studies
  • At 34, Gandhi was convinced 'further progress is not possible unless I have total brahmacharya'
  • Until 79 (40+ years), he observed strict brahmacharya



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