
  • Created by: Tildy
  • Created on: 18-05-13 23:26

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A view from the bridge - Quotes
‘Justice is very important here’ - Alfieri
‘This one’s name was Eddie Carbone’ - Alfieri
‘Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it’
‘you are walking wavy [...] the heads are turnin’ like windmills’
‘almost in tears because he disapproved’ - Catherine
‘You’re the madonna type’ - Eddie
‘She is angering’ - Beatrice reacting to Eddie pg 11
‘strangely and quickly resentful’ - Eddie to Beatrice pg 12
‘the less you trust, the less you be sorry’ - Eddie to Catherine
‘(wondrously) How come he’s so dark and you’re so light, Rodolfo?’
‘He’s practically blond!’ ‘Hows the coffee doin’?’
‘It’s tough to love a doll that’s not your own’ - Paper Doll
‘What’s the high heels for, Garbo?’ - Eddie
‘Eddie Carbone had never expected to have a destiny [...] there was a trouble that would not go away’ - Alfieri
‘When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie’ - Beatrice
‘He looks at her like a lost boy’ - this is after Catherine has told Eddie that she likes Rodolfo.
‘Katie, he’s only bowin’ to his passport’ - Eddie
‘desperately, as though he had made his imprint’ - Catherine
‘as one who herself is trying to rationalize a buried impulse’ - Catherine
‘If it was a prince came here for you it would be no different’ - Beatrice
‘Catherine, sensing now an imperious demand, turns with some fear, with a discovery, to Beatrice. She is at the edge of tears, as though a familiar world…


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