Assembly Language

  • Created by: Milan Eau
  • Created on: 25-02-22 12:30

What a high-level language is and characteristics?

They are used to write programs interpretant of the computer architecture they will run on.

They can be broken down into three types:

Procedural - uses a list of instructions to tell the computer what to do step-by-step. A procedural language uses blocks of code called procedures or routines. 

Declarative - used by the programmer to define the problem to be solved rather than how to solve the problem. e.g. SQL

Object-oriented - programmers define objects and classes, which define the data and instructions to manipulate the data. e.g. Java

What is a low-level language?

Low-level languages are defined by the processor they are designed to run on; we can describe these languages as machine oriented. They have no built-in functions and can access specific registers in the processor.

What differences are there between high level and low-level languages?

High level:

·         It can be easily interpreted as well as compiled in comparison to low-level language.

·         It can be considered as a programmer-friendly language.

·         It is easy to understand.

·         It is easy to debug.

·         It is simple in terms of maintenance

Low Level:

·         It is also known as machine level language.

·         It can be understood easily by the machine.

·         It is considered as a machine-friendly language.

·         It is difficult to understand.

·         It is difficult to debug.

What is assembly language and its characteristics?

Assembly is low-level programming language which is represented by a limited instruction set and other features which are made up of mnemonics, that represent the binary equivalent in machine code. To be executable it needs to be translated by an assembler into machine


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