AQA Foundation Maths section 1 Numbers


Section 1: Numbers/definitions/methods/revision notes purposes only!


Square numbers  


  • Times whatever number by itself or times it by 2 

  • For example: 8x8=64 


Cube numbers  


  • Times whatever number 3 times.  

  • For example: 2x2x2=8 




  • A list of any numbers times tables.  

  • For example: 9,18,27,36,45,54,63, 72,81,90 


Prime numbers  

  • Most prime numbers are odd except 2.  

  • For example: 2/even/devisable by one and itself,1/odd,3/odd,5/odd,7/odd,  



  • Any number that divides into itself more than once.  

For example: (1:24=24), (2:12=24), (3:8=24) 


Prime factors 

Any number that can be broken down into strings of prime numbers all times together 


  • Split the number into two factors.  

  • Every time you get a prime number put a ring around it.  

  • Repeat until you end up with units.  

  • Write all your prime numbers in order.  


Lowest common multiple/LCM 

Smallest numbers that divides into both into all the numbers in the question.  


  • Make a list of the times tables for both numbers. (12 and 6) 

  • Find the same smallest number in both columns.   


Highest common factor/HCF 

The biggest number that divides into all the numbers in the question.  


  • List all the factors for both numbers. (36,18) 

  • Find the same largest number in both columns  


Fractions without calculator  


Cancelling down/simplify  


  • Divide the top and bottom by the same number(numerator and dominator) 


Mixed numbers  

Whole number with a fraction. (3 2/5) 


Improper fraction 

Top number is bigger than the bottom number. (numerator bigger than dominator) 

Converting mixed number into improper fraction  


  • Multiple denominator  

  • Add numerator  

  • For example: whole number x bottom + top  


Converting improper fraction into a


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