Analysis of Elizabeth Proctor


Elizabeth Proctor's qualities are also her negative ones. She is a virtuous woman, meaning that she is an honourable and righteous woman with moral integrity. She is also steadfast i.e. firm and loyal as well as true. However, these traits also make her quite a cold woman- Proctor even comments how her "Justice could freeze beer". However, she has good reason to be so cold and miserable, as her husband has recently has an affair with their housekeeper, Abigail Williams.

Her reaction to the affair reveals a bit of a spiteful streak. When she discovered her husband's sin, she chucked Abby out of the house, and then proceeded to drop a few hints around the community that the girl's name was no longer "white".

For the majority of the play, Elizabeth is a stand-up woman, i.e. trustworthy, showing the qualities of honesty, loyalty, and dependability. Throughout the play, she appears to be struggling to forgive her husband, which…



