Alternative Fuels

  • Created by: amani
  • Created on: 03-05-12 19:20

In order to understand the effect of pollutants, it's important to understand where these pollutants are derived from. Once this is established, we will look at the effects of these pollutants and the possible ways we can reduce these pollutants.

NOx: this the term used to refer to NO and NO_2, Both of these compounds consist of nitrogen and oxygen components. These are derived from the air; remember that the composition of air is 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. In the air, these do not react together, however, the high temperatures within the car engine result in the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen.

  • NO= formed from incomplete combustion (oxygen deficent)
  • NO_2= formed from compete combustion
  • High temperatures in the car engine allow this to occur.

SOx: this term refers to  oxides of sulfur; SO_2 and SO_3. These consist of sulfur and oxygen atoms. This time, the sulfur is derived from the car engine with already contains traces of sulfur. The oxygen however, is from the air. Upon their reaction, triggered by the high temperatures within the engine,  they form oxides of sulfur.


  • Decreases the pH of rain--> acid rain
  • This kills fish by dmaaging their habitat
  • Corrodes buildings
  • Lung irritation
  • Affects people with respiratory problems especially the elderly, babies and people with asthma as they already have weak respiratory problems.

Carbon Monoxide and Particulates of Carbon

Both of these are formed from the incomplete combustion of carbon. In the case…


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