William Blake, Songs of Innocence and Experience quotes from poems

Considering for this exam board you do not take your books into the exam and it is not essential for you to know the poems of by heart, i have selected some quotes which i believe to be important and essential to learn. WARNING THIS IS NOT THE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF POEMS! THIS IS THE 19 WHICH MY CLASS HAS SELECTED TO USE!

  • Created by: Jennifer
  • Created on: 19-05-13 19:20

The Lamb

Important quotes:

'Little lamb who made thee?' (Reframe)

'Softest clothing wooly bright'

'tender voice'

'He is meek and he is mild'

'He became tender child' 

'Little lamb God bless thee'

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The Shepherd

Important quotes:

'sweet lot'

'And his tongue shall be filled with praise' 

'lamb's innocent call'

'ewe's tender reply'

'He is watchful, while they are in peace'

'For they know their shepheard is nigh'

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The Schoolboy

Important quotes:

'I love to rise in the summer morn'

'But to go to dchool in a summer morn / Oh! it drives all joy away'

'creul eye'

'How can the bird who is born for joy / Sit in a cage and sing? / How can a child when fears annoy / But droop his tender wing'

'if buds are nipped' 

'tender plants are stripped'

'When the blasts of winter appear?'

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The Little Black Boy

Important quotes:

'White as an angel is the English child / but i am black as if bereaved of light'

'learn to bear the beams of love'

'cloud' (metaphor for the body)

''For when our souls have learnt the heat to bear / The cloud will vanish'

'Come out from the grove my love and care / And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice'

'I'll shade him from the heat till he can bear / To lean in joy upon our father's knee'

'And he will then love me'

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The Echoing Green

Important quotes:

'Does laugh away care'

'little ones weary / No more can be merry'

'round the laps of their mothers'

'And sport no more seen / On the darkening green.'

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Nurse's Song (Innocence)

Important quotes:

'Come, come leave off play and let us away / Till the morning appears in the skies'

'No, no let us play, for it is yet day / And we cannot go to sleep'

'Well, well go and play till the light fades away / And then go home to bed'

'The little ones leaped and shouted and laughed / And all the hills echoed'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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The Chimney-Sweeper (Innocence)

Important quotes:

'my father sold me'

'weep weep weep weep'

'So your chimneys i sweep and in soot i sleep'

'curled like a lambs back'

'locked up in coffins of black'

'opened the coffins and set them free'

'Then down a green plain leaping, laughing they run'

'So if all do thier duty, they need not fear harm.'

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The Little Boy Lost

Important quotes:

'Father, father where are you going?'

'Speak father, speak to your little boy / Or else i shall be lost'

'The night was dark,no father was there'

'The mire was deep and the child did weep / And away the vapour flew' 

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The Little Boy Found

Important quotes:

'led by the wandering light / Began to cry but God ever nigh / Appeared like his father in white'

'And to his mother bought / Who in sorrow pale though the lonely dale / Her little boy weeping sought'

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The Chimney-Sweeper (Experience)

Important quotes: 'a little black thing among the snow' 'notes of woe' 'happy upon te heath / and smiled among the winter's snow' 'They clothed me in the clotes of death / and taught me to sing the notes of woe' 'They think they have done me no injury / And are gone to praise God and his priest and his king.'

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Nurse's Song (Experience)

Important quotes: 'The days of my youth rise fresh in my mind / My face turns green and pale' 'Your spring and your day are wasted in play / And winter and night in disguise'

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The Sick Rose

Important quotes: 'O rose, thou art sick / The invisible worm / That flies in the night / In the howling storm, / Has found out thy bed / Of crimson joy / And his dark secret love / Does thy life destroy.' WHOLE OF POEM. 

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The Tiger

Important quotes: 'Tiger, tiger, burning bright, / In the forest of the night: / What immortal hand or eye / Could frame thy fearful symmertry?' 'On what wings did he aspire? / What the hand dare seize the fire?' 'What the hammer? what the chain? / In what furnace was thy brain?' 'When the stars threw down their spears, / And wanted Heaven with thier tears' 'Did he who made the lamb make thee?'

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My Pretty Rose Tree

Important quotes: 'Such a flower that May never bore' 'And i passed the flower o'er' 'Then i went to my pretty rose tree, / To tend her by day and by night, / But my rose turned away with jealousy, / And her thorns where my only delight.'

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Ah! Sunflower

Important quotes: 'Ah! Sunflower, weary f time, / Who countest the steps of the sun' 'sweet golden climb' 'youth pined away with desire' 'pale virgin shrouded in snow' 'Arise from thier graves and aspire / Where my sunflower wishes to go.' 

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The Garden of Love

Important quotes: 'I went to the Garden of Love, / And saw what i had never seen' ''gates of the chapel were shut' 'thou shalt not' 'That so many sweet flowers bore'  'filled with graves' 'tomb-stones where flowers should be' 'priests in black gowns' 'And binding with briars my joys and desires'

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The Little Vagabond

Important quotes: 'the church is cold' 'the ale house is healthy and pleasant and warm' 'i can tell where i am used well / such usage in Heaven will never do.' 'pleasant fire our souls to regale' 'Nor ever once wish from the church to stray' 'happy as birds in the spring' 'And God, like a father rejoicing to see /His children as pleasant and happy as he, / Would no more quarrel with the Devil or the / barrel, / But kiss him and give him both drink and apparel.'

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Important quotes: 'Marks of weakness, marks of woe' 'every' 'mind fordged manacles' 'chimney sweeper's cry' 'the hapless solider's cry / runs down the palace walls' 'midnight streets' 'youthful harlot's curse' 'new-born infant's tear' 'marriage herse'  

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A Little Boy Lost

Important quotes: 'Nought love another as itself' 'trembling zeal' 'And all admired the priestly care'  'holy mystery' 'The weeping child could not be heard / The weeping parents wept in vain' 'bound him in an iron chain' 'And burned him in a holy place, / Where many had been burned before. / The weeping parents wept in vain. / Are such things done on Albion's shore?'

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