Why did the government take action in 1832? (3.3)



  • general election of 1831 gave the Whigs the majority
  • 1831 - more focused on parliamentary reform than reform of the poor laws
  • the government were soon pushed into action
  • Lord Brougham (a committed Benthamite) made the surpising announcement that the government was to consolidate and simplify the exisitng poor laws in the next two sessions of parliament
  • Feb 1832 - Lord Althorpe, the chancellor of the exchequer, told the house of comons that a Royal Commission would be appointed to conduct an investigation into the operation of the poor laws
  • the ways in which the commission conducted its enquries and the outcomes of those enquries had a profound and lasting impact on atttitudes to, and treatment of, paupers throughout the century and beyond 
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