  • Created by: CPev3
  • Created on: 27-05-20 21:56

Electromagnetic waves

  • Transverse waves


  • Electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicular to each other


  • Do not require a medium to propagate


  • Travel at a speed of 3 x 108 ms-1 in a vacuum
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Electromagnetic spectrum

Radio waves = < 106

Microwaves = 10-1

Infrared = 10-3

Visible light = 7 x 10-7 

Ultraviolet = 4 x 10-7

X-rays = 10-8 to 10-13

Gamma rays = 10-10 to 10-16

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Electromagnetic waves can be...

  • Reflected
  • Refracted
  • Diffracted
  • Plane polarised
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Progressive wave

  • Oscillation that travels through matter (or in some cases a vacuum)


  • Transfers energy from one place to another, but not matter


  • Particles in the matter vibrate, but do not move along the wave
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Progressive wave travelling through a medium

  • Particles in the medium move from their equilibrium position to a new position


  • Exert forces on each other


  • A displaced particle experiences a restoring force from its neighbours


  • Pulled back to its equilibrium position
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Transverse (S) wave

  • Medium displaced perpendicular to direction of energy transfer


  • Oscillations of medium particles perpendicular to direction of wave travel


  • Peaks and troughs
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Longitudinal (P) wave

  • Medium displaced in same line as direction of energy transfer


  • Oscillations of medium particles parallel to direction of wave travel


  • Compressions and rarefactions
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  • Distance from the equilibrium position in a particular direction 


  • A vector, so positive or negative
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  • Maximum displacement from the equilibrium position


  • Positive or negative
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Minimum distance between two points oscillating in phase on adjacent waves

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Time taken to complete one oscillation

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Number of wavelengths passing a given point per unit time

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Wave speed

Distance travelled by the wave per unit time

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Wave equation

v (wave speed) = f (frequency) x  λ (wavelength)

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Frequency equation

f (frequency) = 1 / T (period)

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Wave profile

  • A graph showing the displacement of the particles in the wave against the distance along the wave


  • Can be used to determine the wavelength and amplitude of both types of wave
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Phase difference

Difference between the displacements of particles along a wave/ on different waves


0 λ = 0o = 0π radians = in phase

0.25 λ = 90o = 0.5π radians

0.5 λ = 180o = 1π radians = in antiphase

0.75 λ = 270o = 1.5π radians

1 λ = 360o = 2π radians

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In phase/ antiphase

In phase

  • Parcticles oscillate in step with each other
  • Both reach their maximum +ve displacement at the same time
  • Phase difference of zero


In antiphase

  • Parcticles oscillate out of step with each other
  • One reaches their maximum +ve displacement at the same time as the other reaches their maximum -ve displacement
  • Phase difference of 180o/ 1π radians
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Radiant power passing through a surface per unit area

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Intensity equation

I = P / A

  • I = intensity
  • P = radiant power
  • A = cross-sectional area
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Relationship between intensity and distance

Wave travels out from source

Radiant power spreads out

Intensity is reduced


For a point source of a wave

...energy and power spread uniformly in all directions

......over the surface of a sphere


I = P / 4πr2

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Relationship between intensity and amplitude

↓ intensity = ↓ ampitude as energy more spread out

......1/2 amplitude = 1/2 average speed of oscillating particles

............= 1/4 kinetic energy as Ek½mv2

..................= 1/4 intensity as I amplitude2

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Refractive index equation

n = c / v

  • n = refractive index of the material
  • c = speed of light through a vacuum, 3 x 108 ms-1
  • v = speed of light through the material


↑ n = ↑ refraction towards the normal

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Refraction law

n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2

  • θ1 = angle between normal and incident ray
  • θ2 = angle between normal and refracted ray
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Total internal reflection

  • Occurs at the boundary between two different media


  • Light strikes the boundary at a large angle to the normal


  • All the light is reflected back into the original medium


  • No light energy is refracted out of the original medium
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Conditions for TIR

Light must be travelling through a ↑ n medium as it strikes the boundary with a ↓ n medium 


Θ < C: refraction and partial reflection

Θ = C: refraction along the boundary between the two different media

Θ > C: total internal reflection

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Critical angle equation

sinC = 1 / n

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  • Wave changes direction at the boundary between two different media, remaining in the original medium


  • Constant v, f and λ


  • Law of reflection: angle of incidence = angle of reflection


  • Ray shows the direction of energy transfer/ path taken by the wave


  • Wavefront is a line joining points of the wave that are in phase
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  • Wave changes direction as it changes speed when passing from one medium to another


  • Always partial reflection


  • Constant f


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Refraction: ↑ v

  • Wave refracts towards the normal
  • ↓ λ
  • Constant f
  • When longitudinal waves enter a denser medium
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Refraction: ↓ v

  • Wave refracts away from the normal
  • ↑ λ
  • Constant f
  • When transverse waves enter a denser medium
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  • Waves passing through a gap/ around an obstacle spread out


  • Constant v, f and λ


  • ↓ gap/ obstacle = ↑ diffraction


  • Size of gap/ obstacle = wavelength of the wave = maximum diffraction
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Plane polarised

  • Oscillations of a transverse wave confined to a single plane
  • Plane of oscillation = oscillations + direction of wave travel


Partially polarised

  • Wave reflects off a surface
  • More oscillations in a particular plane



  • Oscillations in many possible planes
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Polarising filters

Unpolarised light passing through a polarising filter becomes plane polarised

Rotating a second filter causes the intensity of light transmitted through to decrease

When the filters are perpendicular to each other, the intensity is zero

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