The Role of Education- Marxism

The Role of Education- Marxist Perspective AQA Sociology revision cards AS

  • Created by: Pheebie
  • Created on: 17-02-12 17:25

The Ideological State Apparatus

Althusser (1977)

  • Repressive State Apperatus-Police, courts and army. Using force to correct and repress the working classes.
  • Ideological State Apperatus- Control ideas and beliefs e.g. religion, media and education.

Education reproduces class inequality by transmitting failing from generation to generation. It legitimates and justifies by saying that inequality is inevitable, making them less likely to chalange capitalism. 


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Correspondence Principle & The Hidden Curricula

Bowles & Gintis

Hidden Curriculum:- School teach children 'hidden' lessons e.g. accepting hierarchy and competition.  

Their are mirrors between school and work such as a hierarchy they refer to these as 'a correspondence principle.'


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Myth of Meritocracy: Legitimation of Class inequal

Bowles and Gintis (1976)

Education legitimate's class inequality by reproducing class inequality. The myth of meritocracy benefits the upper classes making it seem like they gained it through fairness. When factors such as background effect pupils as well as ability. It makes them less likely to overthrow capitalism. 


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Learning to Labour

Willis (1977)

Capitalism can't function without a willing workforce. Education reproduces and legitimate this ensuring the working class learn to accept jobs that are poorly paid and alienating. 


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Correspondence Principle & The Hidden Curriculum

Bowles & Gintis

Hidden Curriculum:- School teach children 'hidden' lessons e.g. accepting hierarchy and competition.  

Their are mirrors between school and work such as a hierarchy they refer to these as 'a correspondence principle.'


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Evaluation of Marxism

  • Post-modernists-  Criticise Bowles & Gintis' correspondence principle on the grounds that today's post-fordist economy needs a more skilled and adaptable labour force.
  • Morrow & Torres (1998):- Say Marxist only see class inequality and no other kind- society is now more diverse and other types of inequality is legitimated by schools.
  •  MacDonald (1980):- Bowles and Gintis ignore patriarchy. 
  • McRobbie (1978) Females are largely absent from Willis' study of only 12 boys.


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