The Kite Runner & History Boys


Literary Technique

Ellipsis - 'you going to the party' 'might be' 'are' and 'I' are missed out.

False starts - Begins with an utterance and then stops.

Filler - 'er' 'um' 'ah' - voiced pause

Grice Maxim - quantity, relevance, manner, quality.

Hedge - soften or weaken force something is said 'perhaps' 'maybe'

Prosodice features - HOW something is said

Idiolect - distinctive style of speaking

Amelioration - words meaning lessen over time

Discourse Structure - structure of the text

Prepost modification - adjectives becom before noun to describe it

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Literary Technique

Semantic field - words come together with similar connotations

Dialect - distinctive grammar and vacabulary associated with a regional of social use of language

Discourse marker - words or phrases used to signal relationships between utterances  'first' 'on the other hand' 'now'

Connotations "con" - "with" psychological associations that come with with words

Declarative - states/describes something

Imperative - sentence that commands

interrogative - sentence that is a question

euphemism - passed away euphemism for death harsh (less) reality

1st person = I                       2nd person = you                        3rd person = he, she, it

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Literary techniques

Denotations - dictionary definition of the workd

Pragmatics - the underlying meaning

Determiner - words that become before a noun to determine it "THE hat" "HER father"

a/an = indefinite        the = definite

Preposition - position things in a sentence "to"  "under" "behind" "on" "at"

Passive tense - sentence where the object is being acted upon by the subject "tha ball was kicked by the boy"

Patterning - repeating sentence structure

Emoticon - Iconic representations of emotion :)

Hyperbole - exaggeration

Virtuous Error - child makes mistakes with language

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Literary Technique

Voiced pause/unvoiced pause - "erm" "um"

Colloquial - language of speech

Clause - "It was cold"

Sociolect - working class speech

Tag question - words added to a declarative to turn into a question

litotes - understatements

Paralinguistic features - facial, gesture, movement

Back formation - word is shortened "**** = ****ography"

Vague language  whatever, thingummy etc

Accent - ways in which words are pronounced

Adjacency pairs - "how are you?" "fine thanks"

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Literary Techniques

Contraction - she will =she'll can not = can't

Phatic talk - small talk - follows pattern

Non fluency features - hesitations, false starts, fillers, repititions, overlaps and interuptions

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