The Design Arguement


  • Teleological Based on the greek word Telos (end/purpose), searching for the meaning& purpose in our universe
  • Related to the progress of the world&its path towards the end goal
  • 2 different forms:
  • 1. anological: comparing 2 things to fidn similarites and differences
  • 2. inductive: premise support the conclusion
  • 5 Key features of the worlds design:
  • 1. Sutiability ideal conditions for human life
  • 2. Beauty
  • made for more than just survial
  • 3. Order
  • regularites in objects and law
  • 4. Benifits more than just orderly structure, provides everything for humans
  • 5. Purpose universe is full of ambicious beings, universe is working towards an ultimate purpose
  • Created by: b1997
  • Created on: 07-03-14 11:19

Anological, Aquinas

  • 'Fifth way'
  • Non rational beings act in a way that leads to the best result
  • Aquinas EG: Arrow and archer.
  • QUOTE: "non rational beings cannot move towards an end unless it is being directed by a being endowed with knowledge and intellegence"
  • Non rational arrow direct to thier Telos by rational source, just as non intellegent arrow is directed by intellegent archer; non rational beings are directed by God
  • EG: Grey whales: Travel 20,000 miles to breeding grounds, uninteligant so cant do it without guidance, someone must be leading them their
  • Their behaviour patterns rarely change, result is always benifical, non rational beings must have a purpose, someone must be directing them to it.
  • Based on benifical order:
  • Many things work towards a purpose, this doesnt happen by chance
  • Benifical order cannot be explained because the unvierse is not self-explanatory and doesnt show intellegence in its own right
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Para 1

  • Teleological Based on the greek word Telos (end/purpose), searching for the meaning& purpose in our universe
  • Related to the progress of the world&its path towards the end goal
  • 2 different forms:
  • 1. anological: comparing 2 things to fidn similarites and differences
  • 2. inductive: premise support the conclusion

Para 2

  • 5 Key features of the worlds design:
  • 1. Sutiability ideal conditions for human life
  • 2. Beauty
  • made for more than just survial
  • 3. Order
  • regularites in objects and law
  • 4. Benifits more than just orderly structure, provides everything for humans
  • 5. Purpose universe is full of ambicious beings, universe is working towards an ultimate purpose
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  • Anology of a watch
  • if you came across a watch you would know it has been,
  • QUOTE: "framed and put together for a purpose" not come about by chance.
  • Compares complexity of living things to infior complexity of a watch
  • Just as a watch cannot exisist without a watch maker, living things cannot exist without a creator. All parts unite to fulfil function and unity that cannot be explained by chance
  • World also like a machine: intrictate parts that work towards an end for the benifit of the world as a whole
  • Small adaptations in nature to aid survial EG: birds wings for flight, gills for fish are proof of designing intellegence
  • Payley's EG: human eye, cant have evolved as its purpose was always to see, if any aspects were different it could not have worked. Only created by a very intellegnet designer, this is God
  • Key principle: Like causes produce like effects: what is true of human designers producing inventions in our world is also true of God creating the far more complex universe.
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Inductive: Probability


  • Swinburne
  • Evidence of design and order increases the probability of God
    • Given universes size how can it behave in such a coherent way?
    • explaining the regularities in terms of other regularties would lead to infinite chain with no real explanation
            • we could explain them as "Brute facts" but this wouldnt be sufficient
            • some things can be answered by science but we should look for another solution as:
        • "there is a complexity, particularity and finitude about the universe that cries out for an explanation" 
        • Quote:
  • An "omnipotent" being would be able to produce a world in these respects, this is God.
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Inductive: Providential universe

Providental universe:


  • Design is also evident not just because of order and purpose but as it provides everything humans need for survival
  • Works on the prinicple that: its been designed so mankind can regin supreme and natural laws function within so man can
  • QUOTE: "contribute to its development and maintance"
  • Arguement of probabilty: likelyhood that God exsists is greater than the probability he doesnt
  • nature has catered in advance for needs of animals and humans, but intelegence is needed to explain the "improbable state of affairs"
  • Mind cannot be explained by evolution itself, since evolution needs a mind to create it
  • Humans cannot be explained by just evolution as they dont just adapt to the enviroment
  • QUOTE: "they transform it"
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Inductive: Asthetic arguement

Asthetic arguement


  • Universe posses beauty that is not essential for life
  • Nature is "saturated" with beauty
  • nothing to do with evolution as it has "no survial value"
  • Evidence for designing intellegence as it has no other purpose other than to be asthetically pleasing
  • EG: beautiful sunsets or waterfalls
  • Like swinburne tennant has
  • cumilative arguement:
  • Once aspects have been identified exsistance of a designer is more proable than not
  • QUOTE: never accept beauty as " outcome of random activity"
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Inductive: Anthropic Principle

Anthropic principle


  • Dont reject science as it can work alongside religion
  • God planned key scienctific theories himself to make human life flourish
  • QUOTE: "accidents of physics and astrology have worked together for our benifit"
  • suggesting unvierse has always been preparing for human life
  • Doesnt dismiss evolution and agrees human life was dependant on "certain primary conditions"
  • but this didnt come about by "coincidence" but God had arranged them
  • The big bang theory is the means in which the designer brought the universe to its common state
  • The order in which the universe formed was beyond chance and
  • QUOTE: "common sense is not foolish in suspecting the dice may have been loaded"
  • world was intentionally created by an intellegent designer, this being God.
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