RE Ethics



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Euthanasia= Inducing a painless deathwith compassion to ease syffering, some see it as a mercy killing and others taking a life.

Voluntary Euthanasia= When a terminally ill patient asks a person to help them die peacefully and with dignity. It can be called mercy killing/assisted suidide. 

Nonvoluntry Euthanasia= When a person cannot make a decision as they have a mental/physical disability and somone usually a close family member makes the decision in terms of what their interests would be.

Active Euthanasia= When someone is activey killed with an injection or pill.

Passive Euthanasia= When a persons death is hastened such as withdrwing food or water.

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Abortion= The deliberate and premature termination of a pregnancy

Sanctity of life= Life is sacred as it is god given

Embryo= An unborn baby

Pro-Choice= The choice for the women to be able to choose whether or not they should have an abortion

Pro-Life= Supports the idea that the foetus deserves the right to life

Quality of Life= The standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group

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When does life begin?

Roman catholics  believe that life bgins at conception, where as other churches arent certain.

What are the circumstances that allow an abortion to be carried out?

-The life or physical health of the mother is  risk

-The mental health of the mother is at risk 

-The mothers existiing family will suffer

-There is a reasonable chance that the child will be born seriously disabled

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