The Monarchy


The Monarchy

Head of the social and government. It was his duty to ensure that his people were provided with law and order.

Appointed ministers and he also chose 36 intendents, who acted as his local officials and were responsible for the different parts of France known as generalities.

Louis ruled as an absolute monarch and later faced charges of despotism (tyrannical power/dicatorship). Louis' belief was that he ruled by divine right.

The King was expected to rule over a fair and just regime, he was expected to pass only such laws as were necessary for the well=being of the whole kingdom and to preserve his subjects' freedom within the law.

The process of law making: an edict was drawn up by the king and advisers, this was then sent to the parlements for approval. These were the 13 supreme courts of appeal in France; who also had political powers. They had the right to challenge all edicts before they became law.

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