The Design Argument

  • Created by: Hbee
  • Created on: 23-04-17 16:33

Arguments AGAINST the Design Argument



  • Apprentice Gods, suggestion of more than one God

Believes it to not be a good analogy to liken the Universe to a machine, the Universe is more like a vegetable, it grows of its own accord

Humans do not have sufficient knowledge or experience

The existence of evil and suffering would mean that God is immoral

J.S. Mill-

  • Mill argues that because there is evil and suffering in the world, then the creator cannot have been all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving
  • If the designer were omnibenevolent then the suffering of humanity would not have been included within the design
  • As it is, then at least one of the 3 attributes of God (omnipotent, omnibevolent and omniscient) must be missing
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Arguments AGAINST the Design Argument



  • He provided an alternative explanation for the design of the Universe without reference to God
  • Development of life due to Evolution and Natural Selection


  • He has written several books to support Darwinian evolution and reject God
  • He believes that Natural Selection wrongly gave the appearance of design leading to the mistake belief of a designer
  • Any human behaviour is motivated by the need of the human genes to survive. Humans are no more than DNA carriers that will ensure the survival of the species
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